World Vegan Day

November has finally rolled around. It is my favorite month of the year. It feels like fall with so much pumpkin ?, thanksgiving, football ?, and my birthday!

I’ve been vegan for just over 2 years (I was vegetarian for the 10 years before that). I enjoy holidays centered around food, so it should come as no surprise that I would be excited to celebrate World Vegan Day!

I’m a millennial who posts pictures of her food, because if it’s not on Instagram did you really eat it? But more importantly I love the show the variety and excitement that food has to offer. I also like to show that it can be done on a budget (grad school will you ever end?).

So I thought I’d offer some ways to celebrate this joyous holiday!

  1. Have a fruit smoothie! Combine your favorite fruits, a liquid (water, coconut ? water, alternative milk), a leafy green is you’re adventurous. Get creative with it!
  2. Try a new recipe. It’s cooling off so try a vegan version of your favorite fall dish. Chili, soup, and curry are all in my fall rotation.
  3. Talk to a vegan. Find out what motivates them. How long they’ve been vegan. What’s they’re favorite part of Veganism. We’re a pretty cool bunch!
  4. Check out your local health food store, farmers market, or co-op. There’s lots of treats to be found, and things to be learned. I love visiting farmers markets and chatting with small farmers and business owners. They’re passionate about what they do and love to share what they’re working on.
  5. Do some research. Find out ways to get involved where you live. Businesses you can support. Organizations you can join. Be apart of something!

Eat something green and hug a vegan,



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