Vegan on the Go!

I feel like I’m in a season of life where I have lots of opportunities to travel and experience new things! I’m grateful for each of these opportunities, I’ve learned so much personally and professionally.

One skill I didn’t know I needed until it was too late, was packing snacks and figuring out where to eat on the road. Whether I’m gone for the day, or out of town for days at a time. Having convenient, but healthy food is an absolute must for an enjoyable trip.

Dinner from a Caribbean Cruise that I went on in December 2016.

Through trial and error I’ve mostly mastered the art of traveling as a vegan, so I thought I’d share the wealth.

My three most tried and true travel necessities are a reusable water bottle, nut butter, and flexiblity. I can make miracles happen with just those two. One, staying hydrated is important. Two nut butter is a good mix of fat and protein to have as a snack.

I also like to pack snack bars. I pick ones that are higher in protein, but still have simple ingredients. They keep me full until I get to a meal, and work well in case I can’t find somewhere to eat.

Trail mix, is also a good one to pack. I usually buy a full sized bag and take it with me to snack on during the week. My favorite ones have nuts, seeds, and dark chocolate.

Fruit is easy to grab and pairs well with nut butter or trail mix. Bananas, apples, and oranges pack well in my purse for the day.

Before I leave, I usually look up a few restaurants that have options I would like to try; or if I’m with other people I pick restaurants that are friendly to those who do and don’t eat meat. Most steak houses now have a vegetable plate that allows you to pick a few side items to create a meal. This I one of my favorites, because I can get a baked sweet potato, broccoli, and black beans. Salads are also a good option, that can be very filling as well.

The trick here to plan. Pack simple things that can stand being in a purse or a suitcase. Research restaurants at the destination that have food you’re interested in. BE FLEXIBLE!

I cannot stress enough about flexibility! I’ve traveled with meat-eating people, and ended up having dinner at a seafood restaurant. (The best red beans & rice I’ve ever had might I add!) I eat at steakhouse for Mother’s Day almost every year. Being flexible, makes me a “cool vegan.” Most people forget, because I don’t make them go out of their way.

Dinner at Peg Leg Pete’s in Pensacola Beach, Florida.

Have fun! Travel! Eat well!
