New Year, New YOU

Use Gentle Nutrition and SMART goals to become your best self in the new year!

New Year’s is just around the corner! This is a time to reflect and set goals for the coming year. Many make plans to save money, to pay off debt, to become more active, and to lose weight.

New Year’s Resolutions around nutrition and fitness have a success rate of less than 25%. This is because often times, the goals are unrealistic and unattainable.

I, too, have set my fair share of unrealistic and unattainable goals for the new year. Instead I want to offer you an alternative solution.

Gentle Nutrition

With this model, you can nourish your body in a way that is satisfying while still working towards your goals. This approach creates a dialogue between you and your body to determine what fuel is needed when. Gentle nutrition is flexible and accommodating.

Include all your favorite foods in the Gentle Nutrition approach!

Ultimately, the goal is to cultivate relationship with food that is sustainable and practical.

SMART or Silly?

Have you ever heard of SMART Goal? SMART stands for Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-sensitive.

A typical resolution is to “eat healthy,” but what does that actually mean? A goal of “eating healthy” is not a SMART goal. It’s not specific enough and does not provide a way to measure attainment.

“I want to increase my intake of vegetables to 3 servings/day by February 1.” This is a SMART goal, There is a way to measure progress. We have a time frame to measure progress, and it’s specific to you.

Work With Me

I combine Gentle Nutrition and SMART goals when I work with clients to improve their relationship with food and help them accomplish their health related goals.

I practice from a non-diet approach. This looks like checking in after meals and snacks to see if we enjoyed the food, are satisfied, and are full. Additionally, we’re looking for how we feel after a meal, does this meal leave you hungry an hour later or are you too full?

Our primary goal is reduce anxiety and the “crazies” around food. Once you’re on your way with gentle nutrition, you’ll find yourself thinking about food less between meal time and thinking more about the things you enjoy in your life.

What Can I Do Right Now?

You’re already thinking about what you want to do next. You can sign up for a discovery call with me using the link below. We will talk about what you want out of your relationship with food and how I can support you on the journey.

Next, you follow me on instagram for more inspiration and encouragement in your nutrition journey.