How to Deal with Your Cravings

A simple web search will show you that we’re always trying to figure out what our body wants and needs. Some will say that “if you are craving chocolate your body needs magnesium.” I’m not sure how scientific that is, but I can teach you how to listen to your body.

What’s In a Craving?

Cravings present themselves in a couple ways. There are cravings that hit very suddenly, and are often related to emotion. Even if we’re unsure or unaware of what we’re feeling, this is one way of coping.

Cravings also can build over time, like if you haven’t had cheesecake in a while.

With the former, even after you have what your body was asking for you may not feel full or satisfied. With the latter, after having enough cheesecake you will likely feel satisfied and that craving will go away.

How Do I Make Them Stop?

The fastest way to get rid of a craving, is to eat what you’re craving. There is information floating around that says, if I ignore my craving long enough it will go away. There is very little truth to that. Craving for food are similar to all other physical cravings. You can put off going to bed for as long as possible, but eventually your body will put itself to sleep. You can put off going to the bathroom for a little while, but eventually your body will make you go (hopefully in a bathroom).

If I asked you to stop sleeping when you felt tired, you would think I didn’t know anything about health or how to care for others.

I’m asking you to honor your cravings because this is an excellent window into what your body is asking for both physically, and emotionally.

Physical Craving

Once you get used to listening to what your body desires, it will become easy and more natural. Additionally, you’ll notice some themes occur.

It may become more apparent when you want protein over starches. You may notice you have cravings for fruit because you haven’t had any in the past few days. You may begin to discern between wanting something sweet or savory, creamy or crunchy.

My point here is to listen. To be gentle with yourself in the learning process. I once heard it likened to listening to a toddler. Which, in my experience babysitting can be difficult sometimes, especially when they’re overly hungry or overly tired.

Emotional Hunger

Don’t worry. I’m not going to ask you to stop responding to your emotions with food. I’m going to ask that food stop being the only response to your emotions.

If you’ve had a rough day, and chocolate covered pretzels sound like just the right thing to make you feel better, then might I offer a glass of milk to go with them?

I’d also like you to explore other methods of self-care and self-soothing. This does not need to take a whole day or a large amount of money. This could be as simple as painting your nails or using a special soap that smells extra good. (Might I suggest something that smells minty, or like lavender?)

My personal favorite is watching a short video that makes me laugh. Funny animal videos have a special place in my heart.

How to Get Started

At your next meal pay attention to how satisfied you are at the end? Was it what you really wanted? Do you feel full?

As you’re preparing meals, ask yourself is this what I want? Is this satisfying?

Allow yourself to push away when you lose interest in the meal. This one is crucial! This not only helps us gauge hunger and fullness, but also is essential in measuring satisfaction.

What’s the Point?

My goal is to give you back freedom and confidence. Confidence that you know how to choose what to eat and the freedom to do it.

Ultimately, I want to to have more time to use in the other areas of your life. More time with friends and family. Reading or watching movies. Doing what you love. I want to give you your life back.

If you have further questions about honoring your cravings, don’t hesitate to send me a message!

Today is the best day to change your life!