Joyful Movement and Smart Watches

Maybe it’s just me, but it honestly feels like everyone has a smart watch! Whether it’s an apple watch, a Fitbit, a Garmin, or a different brand; if we’re not careful we can feel left out. But this accessory may be counter-productive if we’re practicing joyful movement.

Joyful Movement. The promotion of flexible movement that allows people of all sizes, abilities, and interests to incorporate movement into their life, in what portions they choose.

Adapted from Health at Every Size

For a while, I felt left out. I wanted the convenience of having a watch that could read my texts and phone calls. That had my calendar. Almost everything I could need, right on my wrist.

The more work I’ve done on my body image, and in my relationship with food, I realize I don’t want a smart watch.

More importantly, I don’t need one.

I know myself well enough to know a few key things will likely be triggered by that timepiece on my wrist.

I’ll get competitive with myself.

All I can see are the numbers. Steps, calories burned, flights walked. I’ll find myself wanted to make those numbers “better”. What that really means is higher. This most likely will mean that I stop listening to my body. The exact opposite goal of joyful movement.

I may ignore the signs that I’m tired or don’t need additional movement to reach an arbitrary goal. I’ll forget that it’s okay to move less on days when I’m tired or taking the day off for self-care.

I’ll be too plugged in.

Again, I know myself.  I know my anxiety. I’ll be checking my watch too often. Did I get a text, an email, any notifications? This does nothing good for my mental health. Instead, I’m likely to feel bad because my arm isn’t constantly dinging.

Checking my phone less during the day is very helpful. It allows me to be present in the moment. I am less distracted by mindless scrolling.

I’ll forget to move joyfully.

One of the pillars of Health at Every Size is joyful movement. This is moving your body how it’s asking to be moved. Whether that’s a walk, dancing, yoga, or what have you. It’s goal it move in a way that promotes health. Even if that means not moving at all.

With a smart watch, it does not consider if you’ve done yoga, or how go you felt after trying out your local rock climbing gym. It does not care if you didn’t enjoy pilates, or if you really need a day off.

The Quick Fix

If you already have a smart watch, try turning off notifications. Move the fitness to a different section, that’s not easily seen on the home screen. Do you need accountability?

If you haven’t purchased one yet, check your motives. Are you opting for convenience? Is your relationship with movement in a good place? Do you need accountability?

Ask Yourself:

  1. Did I move in a way that was enjoyable?
  2. Am I resting when my body is asking for rest?
  3. Am I present in my activities during the day?

If you can answer yes to those three questions, you are ready to wear the world on your wrist! If you answered no to at least one, it’s time to do some self-reflection on your motives. Don’t worry, you will get there 🙂

Today is the best day to change your life!